The link between polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and autoimmune thyroid disease is becoming more apparent as the prevalence of these endocrine disorders rises. A bidirectional relationship exists between the two circumstances. Both disorders have certain similarities in terms of symptoms, risk factors, and pathophysiological abnormalities.
Though hypothyroidism should be ruled out before diagnosing PCOS, polycystic ovaries are a clinical characteristic of hypothyroidism. As a result, patients diagnosed with PCOS/PCOD and hypothyroidism find it difficult to understand why losing weight is difficult in this situation.
That, however, is not the case.
Can you lose weight if you’ve PCOS & Hypothyroidism?
Yes, if you undertake active and passive activities on a regular basis, you can lose weight. Taking medications as prescribed by a doctor on a regular basis. Having a good routine in place and eating the correct foods. This can also be used to reverse hormonal imbalances. As a result, a weight-control and exercise strategy should be required to fulfill weight-loss goals.
What is the role of the Diet in this situation?
It is important to avoid a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet, which promotes excessive insulin secretion. Controlling cravings and overeating may be easier with regular mealtimes and snacks. You should be aware about the link between insulin resistance and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
How to control Hypothyroidism?
We must limit weight gain with Hypothyroidism, which results in a 15–40 percent slower metabolic rate if left untreated. To detect losses or fluid retention, weight must be measured often. Inadequate iodine intake can be caused by a high consumption of goitrogens or a congenital imbalance. If you have anaemia due to a lack of Vitamin B 12 or iron, get it checked. Reduce weariness and increase energy levels. Ensure that you have enough fibre and laxative meals. Natural goitrogens can be either raw or cooked in moderation. Goitrogens in cabbage, turnips, rapeseeds, peanuts, cassava, cauliflower, broccoli, and soybeans can impede iodine uptake by body cells; however, they can be inactivated by cooking or heating, thus the same precautions should be followed.