
Healthy ways to lose weight POST PREGNANCY

It can be stressful taking care of a newborn, adjusting to a new routine and recovering from childbirth. On top of that achieving a healthy weight post-pregnancy could be a struggle. Women within a healthy weight range who are carrying one baby, gain up to 11.5-16 kg. Approximately 25% of women have major postpartum weight retention, defined as > 4 kg, at 1 year postpartum. 

The consequences of keeping on some of this extra baby weight after pregnancy include:

  • Increased risk of being overweight
  • Heightened risk of diabetes and heart disease
  • Greater risk of complications during pregnancy
  • Higher health risks for women with gestational diabetes

Healthy ways to lose weight post pregnancy

  1. Realistic Goals:  Losing weight after pregnancy takes time despite what people, websites, magazines and celeb stories tell you. Give yourself until your 6-week check-up before trying to slim down.
  2. Go slow on your diet and monitor your calorie intake: After delivery, your body needs good nutrition to heal and recover. A low-calorie diet is likely to be lacking in important nutrients and might make you feel more tired which is not recommended especially when you are sleep-deprived and taking care of a newborn. You can monitor your calorie intake by keeping a food diary, try using a mobile calorie app or taking pictures of your food as a reminder of what you have eaten 
  3. Breastfeeding: WHO (World Health Organisation), AAP (American Academy of paediatrics) and CDC recommend breast-feeding during the first 6 months of life as it has many benefits on the baby as well as the mother as it lowers the risk of high BP, type 2 diabetes, breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Research has also shown that ( breast-feeding helps in post-partum weight reduction. Breastfeeding makes your body burn calories which helps you lose weight. If you are patient, you may be surprised at how much weight you lose naturally while breastfeeding. The main thing needed to maintain ample supply of milk is “The more often and effectively your baby nurses, the more milk you will produce!” Breast feeding requires calories, if you still have baby weight from your pregnancy, these extra calories will naturally be used for your milk. 
  4. DIET: High fibre diet is recommended such as lentils, bananas, barley, nuts, whole grains etc. Stock up on healthy proteins like meat, legumes, sprouts, dal, dairy products etc. Keep healthy snacks handy like mixed nuts and dried fruits, yoghurt, popcorn, spiced nuts, fruits, coconut water etc. Avoid added sugar.
  5.  Avoid alcohol and Drink enough water: Alcohol provides extra calories. Staying hydrated is vital for anyone trying to lose weight. Drinking water may increase your sense of fullness and stimulate your metabolism and also helps during breast feeding to replace fluids lost through milk production.
  6. Get enough sleep and Burn some calories: Cardio such as walking, jogging, running, cycling will help you burn some extra calories. Starting exercise depends on the mode of delivery. Your healthcare professional will help you decide your timing.

Breastfeeding (BF) vital for child 

BF can help protect babies against their short-term illness and diseases. The first milk gives your baby immunoglobulin (IgA) which will help boost their immature immune system, provides perfect nutrients to the baby, and helps in neurological development, digestive issues and much more. Breast milk is a perfect way to keep babies hydrated and satiated and never too far away from their source of food. Breastfeeding for at least 2 months halved the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

As the baby grows, the mother’s breast milk will change to meet her baby’s nutritional needs. It is nearly a perfect mix of proteins, vitamins and fats- everything your baby needs to grow. And it is all provided in a form more easily digested than infant formula.


Pregnancy is a fascinating period in the life of most women, not to mention expectant fathers, too. However, away from the smiles and happiness that come from the mini version of you, pregnancy can leave a woman with a body she doesn’t want. Weight gain is natural and necessary during pregnancy. The real problem, however, is losing weight after pregnancy.  This is why many women explore weight loss procedures post-pregnancy.

Determining Factors for How Soon You Can Have Lipolysis.

  • The type of birth you had makes a difference. For most women, a complication-free vaginal birth takes less time to recuperate than a C-section birth. You need to be entirely healed and recovered from giving birth before considering lipolysis.
  • U-Lipolysis is a non-surgical procedure to systematically lower the fat cells in your body. It helps remove the added padding in your hips, tummy, back and buttocks which the pregnancy leaves behind. 
  • It will permanently remove the fat cells from treatment areas as they can’t regenerate and your results will stay in place as long as you maintain your body weight. 
  • It is important to maintain healthy eating habits as you may gain weight from the remaining other areas of your body.